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- Who Were WHY Productions? -

W                  H                  Y

Laurence Williams Tim Harris Phil Young


In 1995 Phil Young was asked by old friend Laurence Williams to get the show called Showstoppers filmed on video. Laurence was the Musical Director of the show and had been disappointed with the video produced for his previous show Half A Sixpence. Phil agreed and got another old school friend Tim Harris involved as Tim was a keen film-maker who was already involved with MISFITS, a group of Oxfordshire-based film-makers. In joining forces to produce this video Phil came up with the name WHY Productions to cover the company. Each letter of WHY represents a surname of one of the 3 founders of WHY Productions.

WHY and MISFITS were to work closely together on five productions in 1996: 'Platform Soul', 'Oklahoma', 'Old Time Music Hall', 'Free 4 All', and 'On My Own'. The first four were video projects whilst the fifth was a CD project.

Since that first video in 1995 WHY have filmed their own production 'Taking What's Mine' as well as many more musical productions. WHY have also been responsible for the promotion of many talented singers and have produced many CDs as part of those promotions.

The three founder members of WHY Productions first met while in the sixth form of Cheney School, Oxford. As their interests have converged, WHY Productions was formed in 1995. Below is how they looked in their Cheney School days. Tim's picture is in charcter from a Misfits Production he was in called, The Champions.

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