WHY Productions - Behind The Scenes of 'Taking What's Mine' Page 3

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- Taking What's Mine: Behind The Scenes Day 3 -

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Everyone is tired and anxious to finish. With most of the cast having finished their roles, a last minute rewrite means Tim, Phil, Nickely, Richard and Gill need a final mornings filming. Click on the pics below to open up a larger version.

Here Gill takes a moment while Richard keeps away from the cold. The weather turned over night and the dry bridge was suddenly very muddy. Gill was concerned about her new boots.


The filming of the scene with Richard hanging off the bridge, while Punch waits above. Tim filming from various angles and a swan that took a dislike to Richard and kept interrupting filming.


Finally the house scene. Nickely demonstrating a required look and then Gill on the floor, trying to keep a straight face.



Finally it was all over. Or at least it should have been. Months later when studying footage preparing for editing, crucial link footage and establishing shots needed to be filmed. Luckily when Tim and Phil arrived at the location, it looked very much similar to how it had before. After two more hours it was finally finished. All that remained now was the editing, the titles,special effects, the soundtrack.........

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